Local service for pharmaceutical and plastics processing plants

 Our service team and field sales are well prepared: Thanks to optimal training by our suppliers, they can solve any technical problem on your system in a competent and reliable manner. In case of rare exceptions to this rule, they will bring in experts from the appropriate suppliers. In this manner, we can ensure maximum profitability for your system at any level of utilisation. From the first through the very last day of the life cycle.

Maintenance, calibration and spare parts

Regular maintenance is crucial, especially for systems in clean rooms. However, for all other systems as well, maintenance and timely replacement of wear parts count among the basic necessities. Attention in this area helps you to reduce costly stoppages. Based on calibration with certified measuring systems, we ensure transparency while documenting the status of your system. Against this backdrop, you can decide what work to perform and in what time frames. In case of an unexpected failure, we can organise the necessary spare parts as quickly as possible. Thanks to our flexible logistics, we can deliver stock items to you within 12 to 24 hours.  

Training courses

If your own employees understand just why a system works as it does, workplace safety will be increased. Moreover, they are able to retool the machines more efficiently and have greater job satisfaction. We can provide on-site training for your employees or arrange training days at the suppliers. Your employees like it when work goes according to plan, and it increases your production output.